Total Recall (2012)

Matthias: Mr. Hauser, What is it you want?
Doug Quaid: I want to help you.
Matthias: That is not the only reason you are here.
Doug Quaid: I want to remember.
Matthias: Why?
Doug Quaid: So I can be myself, be who I was.
Matthias: It is each man's quest to find out who he truly is, but the answer to that lies in the present, not in the past. As it is for all of us.
Doug Quaid: But the past tells us who we've become.
Matthias: The past is a construct of the mind. It blinds us. It fools us into believing it. But the heart wants to live in the present. Look there. You'll find your answer.


Friday, August 8, 2014


I realized that pursuing a 15 year interest in mediation might be another worthy goal for my professional development year.  To that end, I'm likely participating in a mediation training by Christine Crilley in September and have had very helpful conversations with both Steve Sovern and Laura Tucker (of Peacewise Mediation).  Special thanks to Steve for putting me in touch with Laura and to Laura for the very generous time spent meeting and sharing resources!

Mediation seems a natural complement to my teaching of controversial topics.  Too often students (and I) get lost in battles of "positions" rather than generating solutions based on the "interests" at stake.  Getting to YES provides an excellent explication of the difference between positions and interests.

I hope that mediation training will help implement the new pedagogical/curricular approaches I blogged about earlier whereby we focus on how to achieve common, interest-based solutions to various social problems.

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